How it all began...
This is the very first sign that I made. It was my friend's birthday, and I wanted to make her something. Matthew 5:8 is her favorite bible verse. Around my friend's birthday, our youngest was about 4 months old. I wasn't working and unable to help out financially, so I said a little prayer that morning before I gave it to her. I asked the Lord to open up an opportunity for me to be able to contribute financially. At this point, the gift to my friend and my prayer that morning were completely unrelated.
Later that day I gave her the sign and she posted a picture of it on Facebook. One of her friends commented on it asking if I was taking orders. I took that as an answer to my prayer, but honestly it wasn't something I wanted to do. I remember being excited about an answered prayer but also remember telling my husband, "but no! I don't want this to be it." It's not that I didn't enjoy it. It's that I didn't think I was good at it. Even now looking at the picture I think, "wow... I've come a long way." I almost didn't give it to her, but the past 2 years have been such a learning experience for me I am so glad I took a chance.
About a month later, Chris made a North Carolina silhouette for our home out of pallet wood. We had several friends and family members comment on it. Chris's dad and step mom "jokingly" told us that we should open up a shop. Our neighbors saw it and asked if we'd make one for them (pictured).
It really got us thinking that this could be something. We started discussing what our shop name would be and we had a long list. Patina, Rustic & Reclaimed are a couple that I remember. So here we are almost 2 years later still learning and having fun. We are so thankful for all your support and encouragement. Here's to another great year!